Please join the parishioners of St. Cecilia in Velva and Sts. Peter and Paul in Karlsruhe for our annual Corpus Christi Procession, taking place at Sts. Peter and Paul in Karlsruhe in 2024. More information to follow.
The Diocese of Fargo will offer a bus pilgrimage to the National Eucharistic Congress. The price for the pilgrimage includes: The conference hotel (based on double), discounted Congress ticket, bus, pilgrimage overnight stays, two suppers and two lunches in route. See more info regarding the Diocesan pilgrimage here.
Come adore our Lord in Eucharistic Exposition on Wednesdays, 3:30pm-6:30pm at St. Cecilia. Adoration is a very privileged and sacred time of personal silent prayer before Jesus Himself, in the Blessed Sacrament. In a busy, noisy culture, we need to take some time for silent prayer, to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to Him. Some individuals have committed themselves to a scheduled hour of prayer each week. If you feel called to this, please contact the parish office to be scheduled for an hour. But you can always just stop for a little while to pray and do not need to be scheduled.